Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Dream

Dear future Me.

When you read this, I want you to remember that this upcoming list is something you’ve been musing mentally, and even verbally to a select close few over the last month or two.

Wherever you are now, probably home after an extremely long and overwhelmingly crazy and fantastic and interesting 6 months overseas, I want you to know that despite how you feel (up in the clouds, buzzing, maybe experiencing reverse-culture shock, bit lonely, possibly wanting to run away and just thirsting for more) your feet will eventually come back into contact with the ground and by then, perhaps. Hopefully, hopefully, you will look to this list and it will put things into perspective for you, and have you chasing after something again :D.

You may have seen or heard or experienced things that have changed your mind slightly since writing this, but hey. As of today, 18th of August 2011, this is what you ideally would like to see in the near (immediate)future.

In short:

Go to Malaysia (check!), study in Beijing, come back in one piece, move out, buy a car (preferably/hopefully grandpa’s), get a journalism related internship/work experience, fix a regular volunteering position somewhere, study super hard and graduate end of 2012, work and save save save (while paying rent) so I can travel post-graduating!! :D.
In the meanwhile, don’t forget to practice and continue drawing, possibly take art classes.
Ditto that a la photography, and instruments. Piano and flute. Possibly start violin.

Rargh. You know you’ve wanted that about the instruments for aaaages. Hopefully moving out will = more time for that.. or something. But then that will = more finance needed. Which = more work? MEH! BY NOW YOU’LL HAVE FIGURED IT OUT MIRIAM :D.
And don’t forget, follow your dreams and your heart. No regrets. Don’t worry about what other people say (why is it so easy for me to give other people advice but so hard for me to take my own.) cos if you truly love and have a passion for something Miriam, that drive will help take you there! Have faith in yourself. Trust! (:(:(:

[Insert parable of the oil lamp and mustard seed here.]

As for all your other (teeny) concerns right now... don’t worry too much. In 6 months, you WILL know. The Universe knows! Just have fun. Live life. (:(: And most importantly, stay true.
Seek authenticity.

All the best senorita.
Keep swimming, keep that chin up (:!

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