Friday, June 25, 2010


..are the sunshine of life!!!

-according to a bookmark I own. And it's so true :).

Today I had outrageous plans of detailing the past few days of my life.... Okay perhaps not 'outrageous' per se, but ambitious? Well, time has slipped away and so, I will share some caricatures of two unique individuals' paths I've crossed in the not too distant past, whose personalities intruigue me and whose company I thoroughly enjoy, which I hope will continue for many, many more years to come ^___^!

Oh, and the third is an attempt I made of myself. . . ;/

Be good! :D And.. DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS!!!

 Go on, I dare you!

Remember that every good friend was once a stranger -unknown

Miriwizzle <3
PS: Baked choc-chip cookies this evening. But more details tomorrow...mmmmmm~!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Proposal

Our family friend, Leo came over for dinner today. Unbeknown to him, it was actually for his birthday :).
Dinner was simple but filling, with a bit of East-meets-West flavour. We feasted on a some excellent rice noodles with vegetables and imitation pork (-East, also Leo is vegetarian), and bowls of very satisfying, hot, pumpkin soup (West). Finished the meal with a dessert of home grown organic Malaysian jack fruit, berry cheesecake muffins doubled as the Birthday Cake with candles and whipped cream, and Leo's 黑糖 hei tang -literally meaning 'black sweet' which are super sweet chewy toffee-caramel type candy made of 'black sugar' from Japan.

He's going to fly back to Taiwan soon for his sister, Betty's wedding.
10 points for creativity and originality for the proposal!

Is there not one girl out there who doesn't secretly wish to be honoured in a similar fashion?
I think not!

05.03.2010 was the date... And although you may not understand Chinese, don't worry, the language of Love is universal
 ...ngawwww! (Sorry guys, how could I miss an opportunity like that!?! :D)

爱你!! ~赖敏慧

Monday, June 21, 2010

fingers and toes, hands and feet.

To him, quite spontaneously she pondered out loud: 

    "What is the meaning of life?"

Promptly, without pause or hesitation he responded:

    "It's about your toes and fingers, your hands and feet. You can change how old your face looks, how your hair flows and how you present yourself, but your hands will always tell the truth…show what kind of person you are and how you look after yourself. Your toes and feet are similar, but they keep you moving and take you through life."

He continued:

    "That’s the meaning of life. 

    Fingers and toes, hands and feet."

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy 20th!

Don't Mourn, Don't Hope, Don't Wish, Don't Regret.

Now is all you'll ever have and Now is all you'll ever get.

Make it count. Make it worth. Make the penny worth the cent.

How are you going to spend It?

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Cause I'm pro at it :).

WORKED 9-3 TODAY. AND IT WAS SUPER INTENSE. (:. Brain incompetence = justified.) We have this ridiculous promo right now that for every $200 you spend on furniture, a $20 gift card is yours!!! (Ends 20 June, btw ;])

ANYWAY. So it's apparent I've survived (:
I really wanted to give up the shift. You unlucky people who are close enough to me know how much I have been lamenting about this...Mostly cos I'd rather work tomorrow (Double time and a half, TYVM Queen Lizzie :D).. And I really do intend on working tomorrow. (10-5.30,  but with an assignment due at 23:59 hours on that very day I am growing less and less certain...WWJD?! LOLOL.) ALL-NIGHTER DON'T FAIL ME NOW!
Just take tomorrow off! I hear you say? COME ON. I'M A STUDENT. MONEY IS LIKE.. WATER TO ME!?? Nah, actually been saving. But spontaneously bought tickets to Melbourne last night for a bit of a rendezvous over the holidays <3. Cheeeeeap. $58 each way with Tiger Airlines. Wewww hewwww!

Anyway. Just wanted to say that somehow, despite this current calm demeanor of mine, I AM SUFFERING A MENTAL FRENZY. On the cusp of a stress-induced-freakout. I really do have to blame previous all-nighters/night-before's where I've somehow pulled up some kind of overly decent mark considering the effort/lack of time I put in. Not gloating. Just saying it's only reinforced bad study habits. ie: tonight. Ew.


Goodness, you people know how to make me smile and I really thank you for it.
Three cheers to true friends (:

And Conastinating. Bad? Yeah, I meant PROcrastinating, but there really is nothing PRO about it.. only that I make it that way =____=.

exohexoh. exohexohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. [new track by MIA btw, get it glued to your ears. JOKES. It'll only echo through your head for hours to follow... :/]

Your confidant,

Saturday, June 12, 2010

missing trains.

 I missed my train today. So while I waited, I wrote.
Good things DO come out of bad situations, see!?
I want you
I want you to want me, too
What is this feeling that overwhelms me
Every time you turn your head my way
That smile
You've no idea the explosion it illicits my stomach
Spirals of colours and heat, electric
It's as if I were lifeless before your presence
You found me and breathed life into me
It's beyond the big bang theory
You've stirred feelings in me, emotions I never dreamed I could feel
I've this feeling of infalliblility
Nothing can stop me now
Or ever.
Until you're by my side

So I was late  for Mass, because I missed my train. But I am glad I ended up going, despite knowing I would not be punctual.
It was a deanery Youth Mass, to my surprise and the church was filled with skin-tingling harmonies of praise.
It was inspiring. Refuelled my mind and spirit. Was exactly what I needed.

My head is a'swimming with words that consistantly struck out at me this eve. I am yet to share, but for now I will let them dwell within me.

2000 words to attempt to slaughter tonight. Can I do it?
Pray for me [;

Friday, June 11, 2010

World Cup Soccer 2010

The whole world's talking about it.

Dad emailed this to me this morning.

Be inspired once more.
Especially YOU, you student who may feel you are on the brink of failure. IT'S NOT TRUE IT'S NOT TRUE! YOU'LL PULL THROUGH && I AM PRAYING FOR YOU!
Cheesiness and predictable rhyming aside, my intention is genuine, I assure you!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

splinters and wounds.

They fought and argued constantly. To passers-by, it would seem that they had not once shared a second of peace or intimacy. But each of these moments, though not always pleasant, she cherished and savoured, for deep down she knew...she knew that their time was limited. She loved and loathed him all at once, especially at the fact that she knew the way she felt about him would never and simply could never, be altered by time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

daring to question.

Your life will always be riddled with temptation.
Games, girls, alcohol, lust, sex, gambling, drugs; addiction.

But what do you really long for?
Look deep within yourself.
Does your soul yearn for a deeper meaning?
Substance? You hunger for self worth, but an orange will only ever be an orange. Fanta will never suffice when an orange is what you crave.
It may taste similar, it may settle the craving. But only momentarily.
It may seem better. After all, it has no pips, delivers a sugar hit and dances across your tongue leaving an addictive, tingling sensation. Soon, you may grow so accustomed to it's taste and satisfaction, you'll forget about the orange you originally sought. The Fanta is easier to consume anyway. No skin to peel. No seeds. No irritating fibres that cling stubbornly to your teeth.
Nonetheless, you continue to long for it, but dismiss the urge for the effort it will entail.

But what about when you tire of Fanta? Reach for a Coke?
It's close enough, isn't it?
Why do you overlook? Why do you ignore?
Why do you extinguish the yearning. The stirring. The longing.
The hunger deep within that craves for what is real?
Why not the orange?
Juicy, ripe, sun kissed and so lovely... Perfect.

Habituality is a skin difficult to shed.
Question it.
And all you've ever known.
Challenge your surroundings, and all you've grown accustomed to.

Do you dare?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Shattered rose-tinted glasses.

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”

 Neil Gaiman