Tuesday, December 29, 2009


"A cynic is a frustrated optimist."

"It's what you do not what you say."

"It takes an ocean of trust."

"It should be called Spendings, not Savings!"

"Someone's ear is in danger of having their hair brushed over it."

"I want a brother, a baby brother! I want a baby brother, ababybrotherababybrotherababybrother..RIGHT NOW!!

"Change; it's a wonderful thing! That's the great thing about the universe, it's unpredictable -that's why it's fun!"

....the final whir as thoughts slow to greet slumber, and reality has a moonlight fling with the ever-unsupressable imagination.  

Goodnight, two nine one twelve oh nine. And Happy Birthday, Aline. :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009


The Marvel of The Day Is:

The MARVELS of the day ARE:

Approvals on EFTPOS machines.

Lest this day never be erased from my memory as the day where my fingers reached their dialling, key-punching and writing capacity at a very humble IKEA checkout. Now today, of all days, it seems the god of EFTPOS machines chose to smile down on us and remind us how EFTPOS is done, the OLDSCHOOL way. Ie: Manually. Yes, on this day, the 27th of December, the ability to process transactions via electronic payment was incredibly tentative and temperamental. The process itself not only requires a manual swipe and copy of the credit card, but also a call to approve the amount, and requires details such as card number, expiry date and payment total to be keyed in. On a phone keypad. Every. Single. Time. SAIGH.

In short: We rejoiced with the customers whenever Said Machine decided to tolerate an electronic payment.

We facepalmed with the customers when it was finally announced that the machines were up and running... But decided not to work immediately after that..and for 99% of the rest of the afternoon.

Customers were super empathetic and more often than most, insisted on wishing ME a good day, rather than the usual vice-versa.

The god of EFTPOS taught us all, patience (the infamous virtue) and perseverance. Yes, the lines were literally up to Self-Serve..so that’s at least 5-customers-long, minimum 1 trolley..=/ AND, as much as I insisted I would die through my upturned lips should I have to process another manual transaction, I am currently breathing, which simply goes to show, right!?


Totally reiterated and strengthened my belief good can be born out of the seemingly ‘worst’ situations~

My faith in humanity is restored!!


Gotta salute these coin-sized golden lozenges. Just finished one as I type. Currently got a severe dry cough. Two coughing fits aside, these tiny things literally were what kept me going all day.


It takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is...

This song has been in my mental jukebox since.. well, a lot more than usual this month.
I'd like to share it with you, and the clip too.

It's Life is Wonderful by Jason Mraz. Sip by sip, I like to drink the lyrics. Drawn by it's simplcity, it's cleverness and most of all, the truth it holds, or something mighty close to it!


Saturday, December 26, 2009


"MORNING! Just wishing
your fab self & your
family a blessed Christmas filled with
love, laughter & fun! Ho-
Ho-Hoping to catch up
soon! Haha xox Miriam

Too bad I had the sense to check my phone balance before I sent this text message of goodwill and cheer to unsuspecting recipients...which consisted of $1.96, much to my dismay! Well not to worry, I saved it in my archives and now it is up for each of you to see!

Well, with today being Christmas and all, how can I possibly deny the opportunity to marvel at such a wondrous day? I was reminded of this this very morning, during a very relaxed breakfast dishwashing session (yes, after the fun-filled excitement that is the exchange and unwrapping of gifts!) With the radio tuned to 96.5's Christmas Carol Countdown, a man in a 2 minute intermission shared a few thoughts, the following of which really struck out to me:

There was a man who saw a bird flying around the sky of his farm, looking for a place to nest.
Finding the barn, it flew through the window and settled there. Not long after, a big flock of birds flew overhead also looking for shelter from the approaching cold. Knowing this, the farmer went to the barn and opened wide the big barn doors, making the entrance more accessible to them. However, after circling a few times, they didn't seem to notice and flew on. Frustrated that the birds missed such an available opportunity of such warmth, comfort and shelter, he wished to himself, "If only I could be a bird, so that I could tell the other birds about the barn.."

Like the man, God also wished he could tell his people about the Kingsom he had prepared for them. So, he sent out his one and only son. Cue John 3:16

"For god so loved the world, he sent his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life."
In this day and age, people are continually stressing, overrun with problems, so they work more to try and earn more, to buy things they think will help to solve these problems. But do you think God would let that happen if money was the solution to all our problems? If money is the solution, the man continued, then God would give us mountains of it for sure! However, He knows that this isn't what we REALLY need. What we really need today, in a world that is full of sin and hurt, is forgiveness. Hence, Jesus was born.
          "We do not have to do anything to earn it..there;s nothing we really can do, but simply accept it!"
-voiceover guy.

As for this immensely delayed post that indeed contradicts the oh-so-promising debut entry posted twenty-four entire days ago, I do beg for your forgiveness! (Not to mention blog address..more like, everymonthorsomarvel.blogspot.com =/)  Better late than never? Okay, weak I'll admit, but in actuality, I do have a few entries saved in my Notes on my ipod, which I shall edit and spam you with in the upcoming days...

Now, although Christmas DAY may have just ended, I'd like to leave you with this to think about:

Oh and I also heard this for the very first time this Christmas on aforementioned radio station. Saddest Chrsitmas song ever....

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

in Kairos.

If not you, then who
If not now, then when?

-phillip vera cruz

Taken in Guangzhou, China August 09.
I've decided to start afresh. Anew.
And really, what better time than now?
-With a brand new blog.