Tuesday, December 29, 2009


"A cynic is a frustrated optimist."

"It's what you do not what you say."

"It takes an ocean of trust."

"It should be called Spendings, not Savings!"

"Someone's ear is in danger of having their hair brushed over it."

"I want a brother, a baby brother! I want a baby brother, ababybrotherababybrotherababybrother..RIGHT NOW!!

"Change; it's a wonderful thing! That's the great thing about the universe, it's unpredictable -that's why it's fun!"

....the final whir as thoughts slow to greet slumber, and reality has a moonlight fling with the ever-unsupressable imagination.  

Goodnight, two nine one twelve oh nine. And Happy Birthday, Aline. :)


  1. The Fantastic Mr FoxJanuary 4, 2010 at 11:24 AM

    Greetings and hello new block! :D

  2. two nine one TWELVE oh nine?! mess up my mind why don't you

    and wth with the baby brother

  3. ryan said that the fantastic mr fox was a good movie :)
