From the movie, O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Personally, I'm still to see the film (-I do hear it's a good and quite humorous one!), but I learnt this song with the CMC Singers back in highschool and suddenly now, just studying, it popped back into my head -as songs usually do. I youtubed it and hyperlinked it to the title of the song at the beginning of this post. Listen to it. Beautiful. Raw. Just... super amazing.
I hope it evokes something in you.
If there was a way God spoke to me, I'd have to say honestly, it's through music. When times are tough and all... something relevant will pop into my mental jukebox and I'll feel strangely calm and comforted.
In the scene from the movie to this song, I can't help but smile at the sheer joy of the farmer man's face, his exhilaration at having his sins washed away and having a fresh plate, and being so incredibly accepting (almost absurdly so) and just glad that he's a new man! And even convinces his friends to go too! Despite being Christian myself, I find it hard not to question what I believe, and I do so quite frequently. Searching. Probing. Wondering why I believe what I believe. And whether I agree. Bit of a Thomas I am. It's hard just to follow and believe... I think that's too naive. It's the kind of faith that kind of that scares me. For good and bad. A mix of amazement and awe...and cynicism. How can one just ...follow? And yeah.. yeah I can't really type fast enough to match my current spiraling trains (yes plural, trainS) of thought.
Well.. back to hit the books. I wish you all a merry weekend (:
Don't know bout chu all but I've had a pretty fantastic week! Thank you Universe! <3
Bring on the study! And the workload! ;L =______=....
of and of course, HAPPY 25th ELLA!
Lots of love, Mizzzz
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