Friday, August 6, 2010


i think that's what love is.
persisting, with each and every miniscule fibre, fighting for what you believe in, because you know in the end, it'll be worth it.
persisting, through the good and the bad. because you can never have sunshine without the rain.
and in the end, if it's true.
it'll all be worth it.

Or.. is that just naivity?


This morning:
I had a quarell with my mother about lemons. LEMONS.
It's been a stressful time for my family. Grandma's been in hospital for a knee reconstruction. Mum, Grandpa and my Aunt have all been taking shifts to be with her during the day and night.
All went well.
Just know how mother's are. Natural born stressheads. :|
My Aunt Ivy suggested I take over my mum's shift from tonight till tomorrow morning, since she looks tired and can barely sleep in new surounds and what have you.
So that is where I'll be.

Back to the argument.
It got ridiculously escalated. I was trying to tell her to stop taking her stress out on my lemons. Just to watch her blood pressure and .. worry about more important things. Clearly, dumb dumb move.
She did have a knife...


She left just a little after that.
And this is how it went.
Motherrr: "Okay, I'm going to take your sister to school now."
Me: "Okay, have a nice day, love you."
Mother: "Yeah you too. Love you too."

And right there!
Like look at that. I can lol at the lemon argument now.. seems so silly in the grand scheme of things. But yeah.. this dawned on me, right after that exchange before her depart...
Ah family.
Not that the lemon thing didn't mean anything.
Forgiveness and unconditional Love.

(: Happy Friday Amigos.

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