Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I have been MIA.
But I have been engulfed in life, in all it's light and darkness, it's highs and lows. University. Work. Study. Socialising. All that. But here I am now. To somewhat close the gap that has been my hiatus for over a month.

It's a dismal excuse, and for that I am sorry. The sole purpose of this blog IS to keep some kind of record of my life. How it is going, and how I am coping. If it somewhat helps, there are many, MANY potential blog entries, all saved as 'notes' in my beloved ipod. All of which have evidently not made it.
Irony has it that one of the first ones was this:

[images soon to be uploaded!]

Ahhhh so much truth in that. YET I STILL HAVE DONE NOTHING.

What else of this hiatus? I found many many many intruiging websites.
Here are a few of my favourites.

One man's project: Make something Cool Everyday 2009.
Oh so clever and mindblowingly ingenius and WITTY! AND CLEVER!
Did I mention I am in awe and absolutely inspired all over again everytime I revisit?
Credits to Sigrid Sagorski for sharing this snippet of imagination.
An aspiring photographer, her work is also are quite amazing. Click here forher portfolio. I will add her blog to my sidebar also.

This is why you're fat is probably not for the faint hearted. Or health nuts. This is food to the EXTREME. This site hasprovn t ome that there really IS no limit to creativity. And that includes food. Be impessed. Be disgusted. Be enlighted. This is food really, as you have neve seen it before.

Looking for some assistance for my Communications assignment argument, I found this: Things twilight teaches teenage boys about teenage girls. Agree? Disagree? It amused me greatly.

On a more serious note, my friend Monica Nguyen's blog is probably the link that has had the most profound affect on me. Diagnosed with cancer, she provides a most intruiging insight to life and how she is living and coping. It's personal. It's heavily ridden with emotion, hopes, dreams, sadness and fear. But most of all, it's honest. And for someone who is going through as much as this ever-smiling, headstrong young woman is, it is really, really difficult. So take some time to have a look. To contemplate. To wonder. To reflecton your own lives. To pray.Highlight of April:

Well, I'll have to say the family and I drove down to Sydney for a week, and back again.
In celebration of my lovely lovely Grandma's 80th Birthday. It's almost incomprehensible that that this fantastic young lady has lived FOUR TIMES as long as I have. It sends my mind to wonder what will be relevent that happened today, or this year so far, even, that would remain in my mind, should I live to an age as grand as her! With age, comes wisdom... and she is so full of stories and surprises... I really wish I got to spend moe time with her. Mary Joesephine Lai is my Grandmother. And the last meal we had with her before we came back to Sydney heightened my admiration for her yet again. I started a paragraph in my ipod, '20 Days Ago' it says, -the 7th of April at 9.56pm.
So I'm leaving my grandmother's house and I'm rather inspired.
Rugged, modest home. Scattered and plenty, photo frames, paintings, pictures, art works and words of wisdom brighten and characterise
the blue wallpaper covered walls
Her first oil painting. Her pottery. It's the small details you overlook.

She's an amazing woman who's lived though 8 decades..
She is an artist. Her paintings and pottery are scattered throughout the house. Many more hidden than what meets the eye. I only wish I could be even half as good as her. Chinese calligraphy and paintings are placed all around. She showed us her first oil painting. She showed us some fine vases she made.  And gave one to each of her children before they left. Handcrafted with such love, such precision, such care. My Ma Ma is truly a gifted woman.

3am nears. TO BE CONTINUED...

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