And hasn't it been a while?
Well, I suppose I have been quite busy in the past month or so, working, catching up with friends, trying new things, making new friends, doing old things and thinking and wondering and drawing and writing all on the in between. Then uni began. It's no excuse, really -as I was reminded in my Journalism lecture today. I'm an aspiring So the least I should do is write...daily, perhaps -and in doing so somewhat maintain the spirit of the 'of the day' part of the blog. Eek.
Ahh, life. But amongst the hustle and bustle we must also make time for q u i e t.
Meditation. I want to elaborate more on this but I'm afraid my dad has the link. But for the past two nights he's been introducing this ancient practise to us, and we've been just chilling, just simply being in the moment...for about ten minutes each night.
It's not the first time I've had a go at this, but after you get over the initial silence...the realisation that you can simply just switch off -no phone, no computer, no internet, facebook, televison, it really is something.
And suddenly amidst the distractions -the buzz, the noise, the busyness and stress of daily life, you'll find that focus. That...presence. That acquaintance and appreciation of merely just being that is so foreign to people of the modern day.n
This morning I had to catch a slow train to uni. And for once, I didn't feed my ears with my music. Rather, I left it idle in my bag and became once more accustomed to the cheery morning exchange of conversation at the trainstation, the steady clack-clacking of the train tracks, the rushed yells of school students I'd appeared to so quickly have forgotten. And as I stared out the thick glass pane, I let my mind take a leisurely wander. 'Cause when your mind isn't cluttered with'll realise you notice things. The little things. And for me, it's what makes a day all the more worthwhile. For we cannot ever be certain of what is to come, so hold on to the little things, the good things, and count your blessings.
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