Saturday, June 12, 2010

missing trains.

 I missed my train today. So while I waited, I wrote.
Good things DO come out of bad situations, see!?
I want you
I want you to want me, too
What is this feeling that overwhelms me
Every time you turn your head my way
That smile
You've no idea the explosion it illicits my stomach
Spirals of colours and heat, electric
It's as if I were lifeless before your presence
You found me and breathed life into me
It's beyond the big bang theory
You've stirred feelings in me, emotions I never dreamed I could feel
I've this feeling of infalliblility
Nothing can stop me now
Or ever.
Until you're by my side

So I was late  for Mass, because I missed my train. But I am glad I ended up going, despite knowing I would not be punctual.
It was a deanery Youth Mass, to my surprise and the church was filled with skin-tingling harmonies of praise.
It was inspiring. Refuelled my mind and spirit. Was exactly what I needed.

My head is a'swimming with words that consistantly struck out at me this eve. I am yet to share, but for now I will let them dwell within me.

2000 words to attempt to slaughter tonight. Can I do it?
Pray for me [;

1 comment:

  1. I loooove praise!

    I'll be praying for us :D <3
