Thursday, September 9, 2010

Monica Nguyen.

"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it"
W.M Lewis

Monica Nguyen... I know you're in a happier, peaceful place now...You will remain forever in the hearts of all those fortunate enough to have ever encountered your beautiful soul, those who LOVE YOU. ;D Keep smiling up there. You'll never stop being an inspiration to me. <3

I thank my God each time I think of you,and when I think of you, I pray with JOY
 Philipians 1: 3-6

23 March 1991- 9 September 2010
May God be with you always, Mon.
I thank Him for you.
And for the sheer HONOUR of having met you.

Rest in Peace.

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