Sunday, November 14, 2010

first week off.

Precisely a week has passed since I've been freed from the institution of unversity for another semester yet!

Although mostly confined by domestic duties, I've been nipping out for leisurely lunches with long lost friends <3.

In several nutshells:

Mondayyyyy. Jon. Bread Top. Black Bamboo Garlic Roll + Tea Bar. Mocha. Green Tea.
He sported a new haircut and we stalked Borders and the like... Handy Bookends were rather.. handy (;.

Tuesdeh. Yannick. Top Sushi. (Bread Top followed by Top Sushi.. I seeing a trend here ;/!?). Quality conversation. Bumped into Leonard 8). Oh. And Woolworths; the one-stop shop for OJ.

Wednesday. Hombre Alone-breh! Cleaned, dropped/picked up the sister from the bus stop (:

Thursday. Lunch with Danni. -Whopper and Chicken burger. Greasy goodness. Followed by a trip to Essential Beauty on Adelaide Street, where a nice lady impaled me for some cash. yeah lol. Nah I have a new piercing. As does Dan. It's subtle. But I like it a lot (:. We then walked across the bridge to GoMa to check and the WOWFREAKINGTASTICALMAZING works of Valentino. Le-effing-git. <3.

Friday. Late night with the twins. Lizzie Arcade shopping and dinner. Myer Centre sales and Window shopping.

Tonight, Saturday. Worked ALLL day. Dinner'd with dear Becky at Shanghai Noodle house in Sunnybankkk. DELISHHH! ++ leftovers!

Yay, bring on the good taimes etc! wth it's 12am and I am wonderfully delirious.
Ahhhh swearing should be a dead pasttime of mine.
according to my parents.
how was i meant to know little one was in the room?
plus it's a wonderful way to release stress etc without holey-upping a wall..right?
it's english, after all. I'm just expressing myself?
God Granted, help me please.

ahh yay family dynamics, never ceasing  <33 MMMM MMMMMMMM


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